Do you want to be on a good line of communication with your car insurance company? Well, you should want to be, but you need to make sure that they want to be on a good line with you as well. Sometimes you will face a car insurance company who wants to hold back secrets from you in order for them to have the advantage. If you are paying them money then you need to be the one with the advantage. The following are a few tips that the insurance company will not often tell you. Make sure that you can call them out on it and get the best car insurance for your situation. You owe it to yourself and your car.
You Could Pay for Your Friend
There are all times when we are being good friends and we let other friends drive our car. It is a nice thing for us to do, especially if they are in trouble. What some auto insurance companies do not tell you is that you will most likely have to pay for their mistakes. If they get in a collision with another vehicle then it might not matter to the company who was driving. You might see a jump in your auto insurance even though you are not the one who is driving. This is something that you really need to keep track of because you should not want it to harm you. Plus, you still need to be a good friend, but explain to them the situation.
They Might Not Value Those CDs
Yes, your CDs can get damaged if you are in an accident. The unfortunate part is that the auto insurance company might not cover those compact discs that have been damaged. Most people make the mistake of thinking that they will get some money back for this, but most of the times personal items are not going to be covered. Even though this might be the case, you still should file a claim with your car insurance company for the CDs and see if something will come of it. Just do not expect to get a lot of money back for your CD collection. Do not be caught off guard by getting denied this.
Your Car Model Might Affect a Premium
Not all cars are treated equal. This is something that will be the thought of your car insurance company even though they might not want to tell you that. They want your business so they might leave out the fact that your car model will be harder (thus more expensive) for them to insure. Many people do not realize that different cars require different insurance, so they are shocked when they might have to pay more. Make sure you get quoted on auto insurance by a few different places just so you can know what is suppose to happen. That way you will be able to find the best place for you to get insured
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